User Interface Best Practices for Industrial Websites


Manish Kumawat

Last Updated on: 26 July 2024

The design of the user interface (UI) is an essential component of every successful industrial website. User interface (UI) design is one of the main things that user experience (UX) designers work on. The contribution of UI to the website's aesthetic appeal, engagement, and brand identification should be considered when you go for developing an industrial website. Let's look more closely at this topic here.

UI Design Elements for Industrial Websites

The essential components of UI design are as follows:

  • Layout: The way UI components like menus, buttons, and text are arranged on the screen. A well-designed layout should be simple to use and comprehend.
  • Color: The user's emotions and mood can be affected by the use of color in UI design. A good color scheme should convey the identity of the company and be aesthetically pleasing.
  • Typography: The choice of fonts and their application on a screen. A well-designed typographic scheme ought to be readable and readable.
  • Pictures: Provide visual interest and lend support to the text. They ought to be excellent and pertinent to the subject matter.

The UI Design Process for Industrial Websites

The creation of the final design is the last step in the multi-stage UI design process, which begins with research and analysis. The following are the main phases of UI design:

  • Investigation and evaluation: Understanding the wants, preferences, and behaviors of the user in addition to the aims and objectives of the organization is necessary for this stage.
  • Ideation: This phase entails coming up with concepts for the design, including the arrangement, color palette, font, and imagery. Drawing and brainstorming are used to accomplish this.
  • Wireframing: Producing a low-fidelity model of the design, such as a wireframe, to illustrate the interface's fundamental composition and structure.
  • Prototyping: Creating a high-fidelity model of the design, such as a clickable prototype, to demonstrate the interactive elements and user flow.
  • User testing: Testing the design with actual users to find any usability problems and gather input on the design.
  • Refinement: Making design modifications in response to user input and testing outcomes.
  • Production: Bringing the design to a close and getting it ready for development.

Key Principles of Industrial Websites UI Design

The following are some fundamental ideas that should direct your UI design:

  • Simplicity: Make sure the design is user-friendly and basic. Keep things simple and unneeded.
  • Consistency: Use consistent visual components (color, font, and layout) throughout the interface to create a united and cohesive experience.
  • Clarity: Ensure that the design is clear and conveys its intended message. Use descriptive labels and give feedback when users interact with the UI.
  • Flexibility: Create an interface that can adapt to various device kinds, screen sizes, and resolutions. Ensure that the design is flexible enough to adjust to various settings and user requirements.
  • Accessibility: Make sure that people with disabilities can utilize the design. Use appropriate color contrast, include alternative text for photos, and ensure the UI is navigable via keyboard shortcuts.

Common UI Mistakes to Avoid While Designing for Industrial Websites

Try to avoid the following common mistakes while designing your manufacturing website:

  • Inadequate space and padding: Ensure appropriate padding and spacing between interface elements to enhance readability and usability.
  • Excessive style: Avoid overloading web pages with too many items. A simpler design is often more effective and user-friendly.
  • Poor font: Use standard, readable fonts to avoid readability issues and ensure a professional appearance.
  • An excessive amount of text: Use infographics and visual aids to convey complex information succinctly instead of overwhelming users with too much text.
  • Inconsistency in the design: Maintain a consistent design throughout your website to avoid confusion and enhance user experience.
  • Ineffective design: Ensure your design is responsive and user-friendly on all devices, including mobile phones.
  • Unfriendly CTAs: Use clear and concise CTAs to guide users effectively and encourage interaction.
  • Poor visual hierarchy: Arrange content strategically to highlight important information and improve readability.
  • Complicated navigation: Keep navigation simple and intuitive to enhance user experience.
  • Not testing: Conduct user testing to identify and fix usability issues before finalizing the design.

Best Practices for Manufacturing Website UI Design

The best practices to consider when creating the user interface are as follows:

Best Practices Description
Grid System To guarantee layout balance and alignment, use a grid system.
Small Color Scheme For a unified and recognizable visual identity, stick to a small color scheme.
Typography Hierarchy Apply hierarchy and focus to your typography.
Icons and Pictures Create a more visually appealing interface by using icons and pictures to help communicate information.
White Space When highlighting key components and fostering a feeling of openness, use white space.
Uniform Visual Identity Maintain a uniform visual identity across the website for a professional appearance and recognition.
Clear Call-to-Action Buttons Use prominent and clear call-to-action buttons to guide users toward desired actions seamlessly.
Responsive Design Optimize the website for various devices to ensure a consistent experience across all screen sizes.
Quick Loading Pages Ensure quick loading of pages to improve user experience and reduce bounce rates.
Straightforward Forms Design forms that are straightforward to encourage user interaction and data collection.

Example of an Effective Industrial Website

Gear Tech
The industrial website of Gear Tech Manufacturing Company is designed by Fulminous Software’s top-class web designers.

Key Features:

  • Gear Tech's website excels in providing a vast amount of technical information in a structured and accessible manner.
  • Attractive landing page
  • Fast Loading
  • Smooth Navigation
  • Responsive Design (Mobile-friendly)
  • The site is well-organized with good navigation, detailed product pages, and powerful search functionality.
  • Leading rank in search engines.
  • High-quality visuals and downloadable resources are easily accessible.

Get Your Manufacturing Website UI Design Today

We are the finest choice for enhancing the UX design of your website as we understand the particular demands of manufacturing companies. Fulminous Software offers flexible scheduling and affordable rates for hiring excellent UI/UX designers to enhance the user experience on your manufacturing company website. Get in touch with our experts right now.


Q1: What are the key elements of UI design for industrial websites?

A: Essential UI elements include layout, color, typography, and images. A website is certain to be aesthetically pleasing, easy to use, and faithful to the brand because of these elements.

Q2: What are the steps in the UI design process for industrial websites?

A: The steps in the UI design process for industrial websites include research and analysis, ideation, wireframing, prototyping, user testing, refining, and production. These steps ensure a user-friendly and functional design.

Q3: What common UI mistakes should be avoided in industrial website design?

A: Common UI mistakes to avoid include inadequate spacing, excessive styling, poor font choices, too much text, design inconsistency, ineffective responsiveness, unclear CTAs, poor visual hierarchy, complex navigation, and lack of user testing.

Q4: What are the best practices for designing the UI of a manufacturing website?

A: Best practices for designing the UI of a manufacturing website include using a grid system, maintaining a cohesive color scheme, applying typography hierarchy, using icons and images effectively, incorporating white space, ensuring consistent visual identity, clear CTAs, responsive design, fast-loading pages, and straightforward forms.



Manish Kumawat

IconVerified Expert in Software & Web App Engineering

I am Manish Kumawat, co-founder of Fulminous Software, a top leading customized software design and development company with a global presence in the USA, Australia, UK, and Europe. Over the last 10+ years, I am designing and developing web applications, e-commerce online stores, and software solutions custom tailored according to business industries needs. Being an experienced entrepreneur and research professional my main vision is to enlighten business owners, and worldwide audiences to provide in-depth IT sector knowledge with latest IT trends to grow businesses online.

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