How to Redesign Your Manufacturing Website for Maximum Impact?


Manish Kumawat

Last Updated on: 25 July 2024

When something is suitable and functions well for us, we typically don't think to change or upgrade it. But without the newest technology, it will remain outdated. Similarly, your outdated website needs updates and new features to compete in the market for new opportunities. Your website needs to adapt to the rapidly changing times due to the rapid changes in trends and generations.

Why Your Manufacturing Website Might Need a Redesign?

A manufacturing website that is well-developed and designed makes a lasting impact on its visitors. All websites, though, eventually need to be redesigned by evolving trends. The following are the main causes of industrial website redesigns.

1. Inadequate user experience

User experience, or UX, is thought to be a key component in making sure a website succeeds. It has to do with how a visitor feels emotionally when traversing a website and whether the website's features and design align with the intended use of the space. For instance, you can lose out on important leads in the following situations:

  • The webpage loads slowly.
  • It is challenging to navigate.
  • Its characteristics are overly intricate.

2. There is a malfunction with the website.

A website that isn't working properly may have some of the following characteristics:

  • Using a website is next to impossible.
  • The loading time of a webpage is really long.
  • The design of the website is not up to date with modern browsers.

These problems might not exist on your website. But, if even one section of the website is out-of-date or problematic, it could need to be redesigned. For example:

  • It's possible that the website isn't browser-friendly today.
  • You might be linking to out-of-date web pages from the past.

In order to increase a website's efficacy, they must be fixed because failing to do so could eventually harm your lead generation or website traffic.

3. The website does not work on mobile devices

As per the latest data, mobile devices account for 60.67% of all website traffic. Therefore, if your website is not based on responsive web design, you must redesign it. You run the risk of losing leads and consumers if your website is not mobile-friendly. People nowadays demand to be able to obtain the information they need from anywhere at any time. According to the most recent study on online customer satisfaction, 83% of mobile users value a perfect user experience across all devices. As a result, if your website is unable to meet this fundamental criterion, you will miss out on crucial leads to rivals.

If your website isn't mobile-friendly, you can employ a content management system. You may write and oversee the code, images, content, and design of your website with these platforms. To make sure that your website appears and works the same across all browsers, you can even utilize a "browser-testing" software solution.

4. No leads are being generated by the website

If you are not getting enough leads from your website, it means that your website is lacking something. As the major intention of a business website is to generate leads, if you fail in that, you need immediate consideration to find where you lack and redesign accordingly. Redesigning is the best option for adding new lead-generation techniques.

5. Google is not sending any traffic to the website

In case Google is unable to provide the website with enough traffic, you might think about redesigning it. According to a recent survey, websites with blogs have a 434% higher probability of ranking highly on well-known search engines.

Before creating a content strategy for your website, you must, however, conduct keyword research. Linking blog articles to relevant pages and posts is equally crucial. This can be the game changer of the web traffic increase of your manufacturing business.

6. The website features security concerns

Since technology has advanced over time, there is a greater chance of cyberattacks. Websites using out-of-date software are more vulnerable to cyberattacks because hackers can use malware to quickly get past the security measures of out-of-date software. Therefore, if the software is out-of-date or if an online payment option is available, it is imperative that the website's design be updated. You can also choose a web host based on your objectives.

7. Outdated website branding

Your brand identity is represented by more than simply a logo or other graphic element. It is simpler to identify your brand if it is consistent throughout all facets of your company. In this case, customers are more comfortable spending money on your goods or services. You may even utilize branding to convey a statement about your company or organization to your target audience.

Therefore, if the branding on your company website looks dated, you must revamp it. If you just rebranded your company, it is equally crucial to rebuild the website because it now accurately represents the changes.

When rebranding, it's critical to update your website's language and content in addition to its logo and colors. It lets you keep your website's many sections consistent with one another.

8. The website loads slowly

Two findings emerged from a recent dotcom-tools survey on users' expectations for a website's loading speed:

  • 47% of desktop users anticipate a page to load in under two seconds.
  • Regardless of the device, 40% of consumers will leave a website that takes longer than three seconds to load.

For this reason, a website's loading speed is crucial to retaining users and reducing the bounce rate. Slow loading times can potentially cause a drop in your website's Google rating.

9. You've got a better concept

The necessity for a different theme or content arrangement, or just to adjust the number of tabs, can even prompt you to completely revamp the website. A website redesign may be appropriate if these changes do not impair the website's ability to provide an ideal user experience.

A Step-by-step Guide to Redesigning a Manufacturing Website

  • Define Objectives: Identify goals and objectives for the website redesign.
  • Have Deep Research: Gather insights by reviewing the current website's performance, conducting competitor analysis, and collecting feedback from stakeholders and users.
  • Plan Budget and Timeline: Determine the budget and timeline for the redesign project.
  • Create a Project Plan: Develop a detailed project plan outlining tasks, responsibilities, milestones, and deadlines.
  • Develop Brand Guidelines: Establish brand guidelines to maintain consistency in design elements, messaging, and visuals across the website.
  • Design Wireframes and Mockups: Create wireframes and mockups of the new website layout.
  • Develop Content Strategy: Define a content strategy, including content structure, messaging, and visuals.
  • Build and Test Website: Develop the website using responsive design principles and industry-standard coding practices.
  • Optimize for SEO: Implement on-page SEO elements, such as meta tags, headers, and keyword-rich content.
  • Launch and Monitor: Launch the redesigned website, ensuring a seamless transition from the old site.

Tips for Ensuring a Smooth Redesign Process

  • Review existing site: Evaluate current strengths and weaknesses to inform redesign goals and improvements for a more effective website strategy.
  • Evaluate competition: Analyze competitors' websites to identify trends, gain insights, and ensure your redesign stays competitive in the market.
  • Strategize budget and timeline: Plan resources and deadlines carefully to avoid delays and budget overruns during the redesign process.
  • Create brand book: Establish brand guidelines for consistency in design elements, messaging, and visuals across the website for a cohesive brand identity.
  • Test site: Conduct thorough testing of the redesigned website to identify website performance, and website security updates, and fix any bugs, errors, or usability issues before launch.
  • Keep optimizing: Continuously monitor website performance and user feedback to make iterative improvements and ensure ongoing success post-launch.

Tools and Resources for Manufacturing Website Redesign

  • Content Management Systems (CMS): Platforms like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal offer user-friendly interfaces for managing website content, making updates, and publishing new pages.
  • Website Analytics Tools: Utilize Google Analytics or similar tools to track website traffic, user behavior, and engagement metrics to inform redesign decisions and measure success.
  • Design Software: Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch, or Figma can help designers create mockups, wireframes, and visual designs for modern web design trends and graphics.
  • Development Frameworks: Choose frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, or Materialize to streamline frontend development, ensure responsiveness, and accelerate the coding process.
  • SEO Tools: Use tools like SEMrush, Moz, or Ahrefs to conduct keyword research, optimize on-page SEO elements, and monitor search engine rankings to improve website visibility for SEO of manufacturing websites.
  • Usability Testing Platforms: Platforms such as UserTesting or UsabilityHub allow you to gather feedback from real users through remote testing sessions, surveys, or heatmaps to identify usability issues and improve user experience.
  • Collaboration Tools: Collaborative platforms like Slack, Trello, or Asana facilitate communication, project management, and task tracking among team members, ensuring smooth coordination during the redesign process.
  • Stock Image Libraries: Access high-quality images and graphics from stock photo websites like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, or Unsplash to enhance visual appeal and storytelling on the website.
  • Web Hosting Services: Choose reliable web hosting providers like Bluehost, SiteGround, or AWS to ensure fast loading times, security, and uptime for the redesigned website.
  • User Feedback Tools: Implement tools such as Hotjar, Qualaroo, or SurveyMonkey to collect feedback from website visitors through surveys, polls, or feedback forms, helping to identify areas for improvement and enhance user satisfaction.

Hire a Team for Manufacturing Website Redesign

Fulminous Software is the best choice when it comes to hiring a developer or team for redesigning your manufacturing website. The following are the characteristics of our custom web redesigns for manufacturing companies:

  • Premium quality User experience improvements
  • Trending website redesign strategies
  • Well-designed strategies for conversion rate optimization
  • Guaranteed manufacturing industry digital presence
  • Top-class content management systems
  • 100% Responsive web design
  • E-commerce integration for manufacturing sites
  • Advanced cybersecurity for websites
  • Manufacturing website optimization
  • Affordable website functionality enhancements

It is the time for a digital makeover! Our skilled team is here to lead your redesign journey. Collaborate now!


Q1: Why does my manufacturing website need a redesign?

A: A redesign can address issues such as:

  • Inadequate user experience
  • Slow loading times
  • Lack of mobile compatibility
  • Outdated design
By updating your website, you can improve user engagement, increase lead generation, and stay competitive in the market.

Q2: How can I tell if my website needs a redesign?

A: Key indicators include:

  • A decline in lead generation
  • Poor mobile compatibility
  • Slow page loading times
  • Outdated branding
  • Security vulnerabilities
If your website isn't performing well or aligning with current industry standards, it might be time for a redesign.

Q3: What steps are involved in redesigning a manufacturing website?

A: The process involves:

  • Defining objectives
  • Conducting research
  • Planning the budget and timeline
  • Creating wireframes and mockups
  • Developing a content strategy
  • Building and testing the website
  • Optimizing for SEO
  • Launching the new site
Continuous monitoring and optimization post-launch are also crucial.

Q4: What tools and resources can help in the website redesign process?

A: Useful tools include Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress, design software like Adobe Creative Suite, analytics tools like Google Analytics, SEO tools like SEMrush, usability testing platforms like User Testing, and collaboration tools like Slack.



Manish Kumawat

IconVerified Expert in Software & Web App Engineering

I am Manish Kumawat, co-founder of Fulminous Software, a top leading customized software design and development company with a global presence in the USA, Australia, UK, and Europe. Over the last 10+ years, I am designing and developing web applications, e-commerce online stores, and software solutions custom tailored according to business industries needs. Being an experienced entrepreneur and research professional my main vision is to enlighten business owners, and worldwide audiences to provide in-depth IT sector knowledge with latest IT trends to grow businesses online.

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