Software Company Website

Zcodeo LLP

Zcodeo LLP is thankful to Fulminous Softwares for crafting their business website which resulted in their rapid growth in the IT industry. With unparalleled expertise in website development, Fulminous Software has provided a business breakthrough for Zcodeo LLP to achieve its success. On this user-friendly website, the range of their services and solutions is attractively showcased to provide visitors with a seamless experience as they navigate through the website. The website has well-organized user-friendly menus that make the maximum lead conversion. Also, we have assured the mobile responsiveness of the website with our proficiency in web development which resulted in a positive impact on their business.

Testimonial Image

A Growth-driven Website for a Software Company

The business journey of Zcodeo LLP has changed drastically to abundance with plenty of new clients after the launch of this fast-performing website developed by Fulminous Software. The website of Zcodeo LLP stands as the perfect example of a growth-driven website for a software company.

Unique Features BCI Computers Website

  • Fast-loading home page
  • User-friendly client access.
  • Engaging demonstration experiences.
  • Innovative technology presentations.
  • Custom solution showcases.
  • Responsive mobile-friendly layout.
  • User-friendly menu structure.
  • Dynamic blog integration
  • Real-time customer support
  • Color themes that suit brand identity
Business Type

Software Company

  • Website: Angular
  • Backend: AWS EC2, AWS S3, AWS Lambda, .NET Core, EF Core,
  • Database: MS-SQL Database
  • Deployment: Dockers, Docker-Compose, Github CI/CD Pipeline


When you work out a project for startups, the challenges are also unique and plenty. That is what happened in developing the website for Zcodeo LLP. In the below section, you can see the challenges faced by the Fulminous team in developing a website for Zcodeo LLP.


Fixed budget and demand for plenty of features

Zcodeo LLP had demand for a wide range of features including SEO, client communication, responsiveness, well-designed UI/UX, and many more, but their budget was fixed because they were in their initial stage of business journey. Balancing the budget and features was a big task for our team.


Responsive design demand

As the number of targeted users is supposed to reach through mobile phones, Zcodeo LLP sought a responsive, fast-loading website accessible across all devices. Accommodating this demand while incorporating numerous high-quality multimedia elements posed a considerable challenge.


Extensive multimedia integration

As a software company, showcasing services and Solutions requires high-quality designs and multimedia integration. Balancing this with website loading speed was a challenge due to the large volume of multimedia content.


Dynamic content updation demand

As the technology gets updated day by day and trends are also changing, the client asked for a highly efficient and easily updatable content management system. The feature for updating daily blogs, case studies, and other content was demanded by Zcodeo LLP.


Fulminous Software has been providing custom software solutions for startups for many years. We have done the same for the Zcodeo LLP website development project and lifted their business success with our valuable solutions. See how we have worked out it with dedication and passion.


Planned project management

With our experience, Fulminous prioritized Zcodeo LLP's needs, ensuring 100% satisfaction. Our well-planned project management resulted in providing them with a feature-rich website within their fixed budget. We have also launched their website on the promised time. We have balanced the budget and features easily with our planned project management.


Mobile-Friendly Adaptation

Fulminous crafted a responsive website for Zcodeo LLP, ensuring optimal performance across various devices and screen sizes. We have prioritized mobile responsiveness, and enhanced user accessibility and engagement, driving positive user experiences and business growth.


Multimedia Optimization

Fulminous Software employed SEO-conscious practices to integrate high-quality multimedia seamlessly. Fulminous Software delivered a visually captivating website that effectively showcased Zcodeo LLP's services and solutions by optimizing multimedia content without compromising loading speed.


Dynamic Content Management

Fulminous Software integrated a user-friendly content management system (CMS) that allows Zcodeo LLP to update website content easily and efficiently, ensuring that they can keep pace with evolving technology trends and dynamically showcase their latest offerings and achievements.

The Results

The website developed by Fulminous Software has helped Zcodeo LLP to break its business limitations. Since its launch, Zcodeo LLP has experienced a remarkable 62% increase in online inquiries and conversions directly from the website. The entire team at Zcodeo LLP is extremely satisfied with the web development services of Fulminous Software and happily continues to appoint Fulminous as their permanent technical partner. The number of clients approaching Zcodeo LLP through the website is much higher than other sources. Attractive designs, easy client communication, captivating visuals, well-arranged services, seamless navigation, and convenient features, are all creatively crafted by Fulminous Software's expert team that resulted in Zcodeo LLP’s success.



Country Served


Increase in Revenue


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